Investment starts to flow again

Forces of change, including urbanisation, shifting demographics and the drive for sustainability, are throwing up new challenges and opportunities for the global real estate and construction sector. At Grant Thornton, we aim to help you successfully read the turns of the industry and navigate this shifting landscape.

Why Grant Thornton?

We’ll also work with you to identify new funding sources, reduce your risk levels and structure your returns. Our commercial approach to the needs of your organisation will give you the best possible chance of success in today’s market.

Our teams understand that your business is unique. We’ll take the time to get to know you and your organisation so we can deliver tailor-made solutions.

We’ll also support you in identifying which projects present the greatest risk and develop solutions if problems arise.

If you have any questions or would like to find out more about how we can help, please contact us.


Damien Tai
Partner – Audit and Assurance
Damien Tai

Recognising revenue in the Real Estate and Construction industries